(the life of lola)

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long snowstorm=grumpy lola 10:18 a.m. . 2004-03-19
It's snowing. It has been snowing for about four days now. The snow that is falling is crappy, horrible snow. It is also 38 degrees out, so the snow is turning into heavy, wet slush on the roads and paths and on the hood of my car. There are the snow storms that I can get into. The first big storm of the season is always neat, because people cancel things and you have a reason to stay at home watching TLC and eating bon-bons. A free day. Then, in the very depth of the storm you can lace up the dusty winter boots and go for a snowy walk. Sweets and I like to do this. We act like little snow traffic angels, pushing cars out of drifts and being general bad-asses. This same storm is the type that comes from across the country and socks you in for about 24 hours. You go to bed and it's snowing and when you wake up the snow is done and there is enough snow for sledding and then you wait for the landlord to plow the driveway before you can do anything outside the home. I like that kind of storm.

I do not like the spring-like snow storm with the wet, heavy snow and the dirty slush everywhere. The city budget has been depleted for plowing so they make do with spreading more sand around, making what little prettiness of the snow into muck. Oh, I hate it.

And the worst part? The very worst part? There were little flowers blooming in the neighbors yards. little crocuses, bright and happy and ready for spring. I feel like the groundhog decided to hibernate for an additional six weeks more, just to spite me.

News from the pregnancy front: we had an appointment on Wednesday and the OB gave us a quickie little ultrasound. The baby is facing up, which is a little worrisome because if he doesn't turn that will mean painful back labor. I know a lot of women who ended up with epidurals and c-sections from back labor. Not what I want. So I've been trying to psychically connect with the lentil to convince him to do a flip flop so he's facing rear. Who knows if he will. He woke me up last night with his moving around- it is just about the strangest thing I have ever felt in my entire life.

Sleep, oh, sleep. Pregnant women aren't supposed to sleep on their backs, right? and I obviously can't sleep on my stomach, which is how i always used to sleep. So I am left with sleeping on the left side or the right. Well, last night the lentil got his hand caught way around on my right side, so when I turned to sleep on that side he started punching and kicking to get me to stop squishing him. It was actually painful. He's a strong little bugger! I complain about his movements, but then when I don't feel them I get all stressed out.

I also had a major braxton hicks contraction yesterday. It was a little alarming. and painful. and worrisome. But I went to the mall anyway, because I had to get a gift for my friend. And I hadn't felt well enough to get out of the house in weeks. So I went and it was good and the contraction went away and the baby is fine and I should just stop worrying so much.

less than 10 weeks. jiminy crickets.

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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