(the life of lola)

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- 12:17 p.m. . 2003-02-21
I am so irritated. So irritated, in fact, that every time I try to write the word irritated I somehow end up writing irritating. which, I imagine, is how I am to other people right now, adding to the general disgruntledness.

Sweets is driving me absolutely nuts right now. I don't know if he's doing it on purpose or what, but those little things are making me crack.

1) car: he doesn't lock the car door. somehow he forgets that I have a very expensive stereo specially installed and if that is stolen we are out a lot of cash. he doesn't ever drive his own car, so then the battery wears out or the constant leak in the antifreeze drips out all the antifreeze and the car freezes up. so then we have to jump the damn thing whenever he needs to drive it. this would all be solved if he just took care of the truck in the first place. he never puts on his seatbelt, so i remind him which makes me feel like a nag. he always turns the power steering wheel all the way, which makes it scream out in agony because it doesn't need that extra manhandling and it sounds so horrible and makes me cringe.

2) home: he sprays his awful man perfume in the bedroom while I am trying to sleep in the mornings, which gives me a headache before i even wake up. nice way to start the day. i really don't like the man perfume anyway, and it was a gift from some past girlfriend, but he's too frugal to throw it away. or maybe he likes it. anyway, i have suggested we find him a new man perfume if he must wear one and he has admitted that he won't throw the old stuff out even if we do find a suitable replacement. so I have been living with morning headaches for years now and the stuff never seems to run out. even now it's only a centimeter lower than it was when I first met him. criminy!

And, he seems to be fussy about me not doing dishes all the time. i just don't do dishes all the time. he wants them done constantly. difference in opinion. so the other night he was nagging me about it in front of my friend. that is crossing the line. AND he didn't put the laundry card back where it's supposed to go, so I had to buy a whole new one when I got to the laundrymat. waste of two dollars, goshdarnit.

3. we can't seem to plan any sort of fun thing together without getting into a fight. we fought all night on valentines day, we fought into the next morning and all the way to new york for the demonstration. Then we started fighting about where we will go on vacation for our first anniversary. it's driving me crazy. by the time we actually go on vacation, we will be so bitter from all these fights that it won't be any fun anyway.

what else is getting on my nerves? the jerk who took up all the small sized washers at the laundrymat by putting his lame plastic hampers in front of them. when I tried to move one aside so I could do my laundry he got all huffy so then I got all huffy and we were all huffy together. dick. Then there were the people who took up all the dryers so I couldn't do any of my drying. jerks.

Another thing- this nice weather has people all blissed out and they are forgetting how to drive. so I couldn't get home.

AND my landlord's brother is having what looks like fifty refrigerators delivered to our driveway, which meant the delivery truck totally blocked the drive. So I had to wade through two feet of snow with my laundry bags so I could get home and eat lunch. but I was too irritated to eat lunch so instead I sat down and started ranting here.

I don't feel much better. darn it. still pissed about everything. I am having a bad day.


does anyone have a tissue?

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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