(the life of lola)

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rounding out the year 5:25 p.m. . 2002-12-16
I just changed flavors of birth control pillsies. I went from a progestin only pill back to a combined pill. I've changed pills before with no problems, but this time I have the worst nausea. ick. every day now from about two o'clock until six or seven I just get so ill. Yesterday I was in the supermarket and I had to leave. Good thing sweets was with me so he could finish shopping. Then I had to come home and make cookies for friends. Somehow I wasn't too ill to taste the dough. mmmmm. I make good chocolate chip cookies.

The nausea has been this funny little game for me, because I imagine that being pregnant someday will be a little like this. Based on what people on digs have been writing, I expect it to be about five zillions times worse, but it's a little peek into the world of babydom. So I try to bear the ickiness with a certain amount of relief that this time it's not because I have a baby but because I am preventing a baby. Very interesting.

On to other topics: I did my first bone marrow aspiration and biopsy the other day. It was completely thrilling! The patient was this young man with AIDS and he was very skinny so it made finding my landmarks easy enough. I did get a little sick when I was first trying to get the needle deep enough in his bone to pull up some aspirate, so I sat down and the MD who was assisting me jumped in to help. But then I got back in the ring and did the biopsy myself, and I got a great little sample. very good, pat pat on the back.

Finals are done. I didn't do as well as I would have liked, but it's over now. If I have to retake any of the exams I think I will crumple up into a little ball of frustration, but at least it's over. I have the worst memory! how i ever got this far, I do not know.

Anyway, that's the update on me. I am going home in two days and I can't wait! La Mantequilla, save some green chili for me!

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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