(the life of lola)

navigate : > < x ? e x !
haircuts and airplanes 8:49 p.m. . 2003-06-29
I'm back. return to New Haven was painful/less. THe flight back was bad: red-eye, with a man so big in the seat next to me that he couldn't sit all the way back in the seat. He spent the entire four-hour flight with his forehead resting against the seat in front of him. AND he coughed a polite but maddening little cough the entire time, despite the large bottle of soda he had in his almost non-existant lap. (Seated next to him: a teeny little woman who explained that she was just back from hiding her little daughter at her parent's home and was returning to her abusive husband so she could collect her belongings. v. strange.)

But bad flight stories are really just boring. who cares that mr jumbo-sized was my seat partner? probably not even me. The nice thing was that I came home and it was sunny and nice and sweets was waiting for me at the airport and we drove home and I slept for a million hours then we went to a pleasant little wedding and it was ALMOST worth taking a red-eye.

The more exciting thing is that I just gave my sweets something he wanted very much. I gave him a nice mohawk. So we were sitting at dinner and he mentioned that he was thinking that he would have me shave a mohawk into his bristle-brush hair instead of the usual "guy" haircut I normally do. So he set up the video camera and put me to work. Now he has a fancy real "man" mohawk. shaved down to the skin all around. party on the top. woo!

home again home again.

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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