(the life of lola)

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homeagain homeagain 2:34 p.m. . 2003-08-19
yay! I am going home tomorrow for a whole week. I can't wait. yayayayay. If only i didn't have horrible, crippling cramps today.

The marathon training is going well. We've run ten miles with no problems. i was having knee issues, but I went to a running store on the advice of fang friend and they told me my shoes were dead. So I bought new shoes and am much happier now. We ran seven miles this morning and it was pretty similar to certain types of torture: i already had bad cramps, it was hot, it was a new route so we didn't have good landmarks to know just how far we'd gone. In all a hard run. The worst part was when the run was over and the cramps just took over my body and sweets had to make me breakfast in bed. *poof* (you're breakfast in bed!)

So i go home tomorrow. there's this great annual thing in santa fe called Indian Market that is basically my family's bread and butter for the year. My dad has an opening on Thursday, my uncle has an opening over the weekend and there will be another opening of my grandfather's art over the weekend as well. So i get to be a little socialite for the weekend and chauffer my grandmother around. It will be fabulous. I even had my eyebrows waxed. That is a first. I can't wait. dress up time!

I had a great death at work yesterday- i was in the room talking to the patient's great-grandchildren about how they were going to go swimming and the grand-daughter said "look, she opened her eyes!" We all rushed over to her and she smiled and then died a few minutes later. It was really sweet- she heard the happy voices of children and then moved on. It felt good. Or, at least as good as it could have been.

So that's all for me for a few days. If I get a chance I will update from New Messico. Otherwise, it's up to sweets to hold down the fort! oh yeah, and.....

this quiz was made by the sunni bunni bear

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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