(the life of lola)

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black outs are for babies 7:44 p.m. . 2003-08-14
so this is one of the cities in the northeast that DOESN'T have a power outage right now. I was just noticing that the national news has taken over the universe in order to share the misery a little. no more of the nobody loves raymond crap, america. tonight you have to watch thousands of new yorkers stream over a bridge into new jersey. Not that I have anything against new jersey (briddy, I hope you made it home okay...) and I have friends who are stuck in the city tonight too, but must we inflict our massive northeast ego upon the entire country? It's a big deal and all, but wouldn't a little line at the bottom of the screen saying "the northeast still has no power. yup. no power. still waiting and .. . . no power...." wouldn't that be sufficient?

black out hysteria.

I was in the post office when the power surged here in connecticut. there was a brief outage and the guy behind the desk actually jumped OVER the counter to run to lock the front door. I was held hostage at the post office for five seconds. it was harrowing. Then, the street lights were all out of sync so it took me an additional fifteen seconds to make it home. My internet was all screwy because i left the DSL on, but that was fine once I rebooted. Cable tv had a little trouble, so I couldn't tell what time it was for awhile, until the clock on the digital cable box was restored. That was pretty bad.

Okay america? heard enough yet? I also heard that places IN MY VERY TOWN had NO CELL RECEPTION!

I understand that this is a real crisis for elderly people and those with mobility problems who cannot live without air conditioning. Why don't we pour the resources that we are using to power the television stations into helping those people get solar powered generators on their buildings. huh? why not? huh? huh?

and to top it all off, a letter got lost way back in june, so my property taxes never got paid and now the whole matter has gone to a collection agency. that's a lot of silliness. creeps. I paid it today. But, mind you, I didn't ignore the bill, I NEVER GOT THE BILL in the first place. and they didn't send me a second courtesy bill or anything. dickwads.

the heat is going to my head. I will go to bed now.


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forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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