(the life of lola)

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purging. 9:23 a.m. . 2003-12-04
I am so completely exhausted. I got up at 8:00 this morning, I have no class today and I was planning on writing a big paper all day. But I am so tired I can barely type, let alone have brilliant thoughts flow from head to fingers. blah!

There is supposed to be a huge snow storm coming in tomorrow. At least, that is what people are saying- it usually doesn't end up like they predict but whatever. Anyway, my next door neighbors are subject to another onslaught of roof repair. They never finished the first roof (it's covered in tar paper) and they are ripping the shingles off the rest of the building this morning. I have no idea what these people are thinking. This house is a disaster! The worker bees are out there "What I'm saying is there will be a couple of days of snow then we will go back to work..." Meanwhile, the snow melts and the house becomes even more water-logged. Insanity. If I ruled the world....

So, I just forgot what I was going to write. classy.

Oh- yeah. Sweets and I are thinking of moving from our delux third floor walk up to university family student housing. we'd save a bundle on rent, give up some of our luxurious space and be forced to actually clean up our act. The more real this baby becomes, the less inclined I am to want to buy things for myself. I've been giving away shoes like crazy, and finally dragged my old roller-blades out of the closet for disposal. it's time to purge. We have waaaaaay too much stuff and I need to get rid of some of it, just to free my mind up a little.

It's interesting how possessions really do take over and possess you. We have recently inherited stuff from grandparents that we really can't get rid of, yet may not really need ourselves. For example, I have a small box full of letters my grandmother exchanged with the japanese students who would board with her in the last ten years of her life. The letters are sweet, but there really isn't anything earthshaking contained. But somehow I just can't get rid of them, you know? Likewise, sweets inherited this crazy old rocking chair from his grandfather (who is still living, by the way) that sits and collects dust in our living room. Truth be told it is quite uncomfortable and I can't imagine actually rocking any baby to sleep in it, but because it is a family heirloom we will probably live with the damn thing until we can convince our own children to take it.

So you see, we have all this stuff already- why should we need more? My lame ass out of style shoes are not contributing anything but clutter, so it's time to clean.

Unfortunately, it's also time to study for exams and write endless papers. I think I will go take a nap and then really begin my day! yay!

I had to add this little gem.....

You're Avante Garde Indie. You listen to abstract
music like free-jazz and Krautrock. You drink
too much coffee and you scare the fuck out of
the rest of us. We're afraid to call you
pretentious because we know that we all just
don't get it. There are few of you out there,
and most of you will probably die soon.

You Know Yer Indie. Let's Sub-Categorize.
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forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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