(the life of lola)

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hanging out in the crib 1:17 p.m. . 2004-04-07
The good news: I won a major grant that I submitted in November. This is big in the career building, pat on the back kind of way. I never would have guessed that I could be so lucky. yay for me! Thank you, American Cancer Society!

Yesterday sweets finally decided to set up the crib. There was this whole crib disaster where he was hoping to make it a suprise gift from my father in law so he deleted it altogether from my Amazon wish list and they were dealing with it but I happened to answer the phone when the delivery company called so the suprise was ruined. boo. The crib was delivered last week when it was really raining and the delivery guy wouldn't help sweets bring it up the stairs. Of course, I'm not allowed to lift anything larger than a breadbox, so I had to sit and wait as the crib came up the stairs piecemeal. Being generally unhelpful, I observed that the crib they delivered was not the one we ordered or wanted. Since I couldn't do anything about it and sweets didn't really have the energy to do anything, we decided to just keep the damn thing and suck it up.

Last night, in the setting up of the sucked up crib, we decided that there were few redeeming qualities to this particular piece of furniture. I was disappointed, sweets was frustrated, and it was a tense evening. If you ever had this fantasy that getting ready for a baby was all fun and games, you might want to get your head checked. On the fun scale, things like picking out and setting up baby furniture have ranked right next to wedding planning. In my experience. Anyway, we ended up in this big fight where I was trying to decide if I wanted the crib and sweets was trying to decide if he wanted the crib and it was half set up and there was really no productive conversation actually taking place. So I left. I had to leave. I got in the car and drove away. and I felt very much so better after. But not until after I happened to run into sweets who was also out getting some space and we ended up arguing in front of his bank at 9:30 in the evening. I had to come home and cry to my mother before I felt better.

So we've figured out how to return the crib and we're going to do so on Friday morning before the mysterious square inch makes his presence known and forces me to take to bed again.

I need space. I need to be able to go outside and go for a walk and watch the flowers bloom. I've been keeping my eye on a few daffodils and tulips and I don't want to lose my place. But I have to check on them in the morning, before the mysterious square inch starts work, and often they are tightly budded up in the early morning. same with the crocuses.

While I'm rambling.... seven weeks to due date. My brother was born six weeks early, and it just about blows my mind that there is a slight chance the baby could come next week. Of course, this hasn't motivated me to get any homework done in advance....

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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