(the life of lola)

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kitty heaven 8:54 a.m. . 2003-12-13
Today we're off to the in-laws for the night. Jasmine is in charge here at home, so I expect to come home to the remnants of a big kitty party. furry mice all piled in a clump at the bottom of the stairs, kitty litter strewn about, chunks of food floating in the water dish. She can get so out of control without us around.

She used to sleep at the foot of the bed every night, so innocent. It wasn't a problem because I don't have giant feet. But now that we have the very scary and overpuffy down comforter on the bed, she has to sleep on the mattress near our pillows so she can get away from the scary comforter. Last year, when we first got the scary comforter I would leave a little space beside my pillow and she was happy as could be. But this year she seems to want to be a little closer to us, more connected perhaps. Because now she sleeps right next to me, head on the pillow, body under the scary comforter. sometimes I turn over and am squashing her little feet and she doesn't even seem to mind. She just sort of twitches to let me know she's there and we both fall back asleep.

I swear, my cat is turning human. Between the pillow sleeping and the good night kisses every night as I am falling asleep, it's a little odd. (she comes up and licks my cheek. wierd but funny.)

She has us pretty well trained. Whenever we come home after being gone for the day she insists on getting a belly rub and back scratch before we can continue on into the house. Every time. Every time we sit at the kitchen table she wants 1) a little saucer of milk and 2) to play with the red light (laser pointer). It's nice to have a little routine.

Some mornings we have a little time to lay in bed and be luxurious. Jasmine will be purring away on one side of me, sweets is snuggling the other side of me. This is paradise, you know. simple, cheap and absolutely perfect.

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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