(the life of lola)

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sick of connecticut 10:20 a.m. . 2003-12-24
A second entry for the day. Christmas eve, or dec 24th, however you wish to look at it. I was supposed to have a meeting today, to go over stuff on this research project I'm working on, but apparently nobody needed to tell me that the meeting was cancelled. So I got to school, no-one was there, and I came home.

On my way home I was driving around New Haven, thinking about how much I dislike this place. It's got a certain architectural charm and all that crap, but it's not my home. Today, for example, it is grey and rainy and there is this incredible din of cars strangling the pavement. The water falling from the sky is grey, the pavement is grey, the buildings are grey, everything is dirty and ugly and washed of color.

I drive here, I live here, but my heart and brain and soul are in Santa Fe. This may sound crazy, but there I was, driving to wal-greens, to the bank, to the gas station and I was pretending that I was on Cerrillos road and that my grandma was waiting for me in her little house in town. In my mind, today is a clear and crisp winter day with a little snow on the ground and the smell of fireplace fires hovering over the city. Humidity is at about 15%. It may be cold, but the homes are warm and dry and inviting. I was driving through this miserable connecticut town crying and thinking of home.

So I went to walgreens and bought some chocolate covered cherries in honor of my grandma. I am so homesick.

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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