(the life of lola)

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week 18 8:33 a.m. . 2003-12-24
Today is the eve of the winter holiday and sweets and I are preparing for a week of his family. There will be many gifts and lots of dogs running about making trouble. there are clearly pluses and minuses to spending time with the in-laws.

I think I'm getting a cold. This is not a good thing, I have way too much to do to be sick for any of this break. It really stinks. But i have to get my work done, I have to make a little money and I have to take my boards, so there isn't really room for compromise. I feel bad about it, but I am comforted knowing that having a cold won't affect the baby, it will just make me feel even more poopy for a few days.

Pregnancy update: can't sleep for peeing. constant headaches. still can't be sure I've felt the baby move (although I think I've felt it, the sensation never repeats itsself). Sort of pooking out of my clothes, but I still just look thick and not pregnant. I don't have any really fancy schmancy clothes, so last night I was at an expensive restaurant with my gap cargo pants and felt a little underdressed. So I tried to stick my belly out a little and I went about my dining.

I was sort of hoping that getting pregnant would intensify flavors like it has odors, like a nine month marijuana binge. (heck, I've got the munchies and the growing waistband...) But, alas, it appears I am actually less inclined to enjoy my food. I certainly had a great time at the expensive restaurant, but I wasn't all gaga over the food, even though I could recognize that it was indeed good food. what a shame. I might as well eat big macs for the rest of the pregnancy because haute cuisine is lost on the baby. damn. I was really looking forward to that meal.

Other baby changes? I won't talk about the most private things, but I will just say that things are changing, and I pray they return to normal after the baby is born. that's enough of that.

take care of yourselves in this insanity season. the longest night has passed and spring will follow in due time.

before now - now

last few entries

forwarding address - 2005-02-22
the duchess - 2005-02-13
dropping out for now. - 2005-02-01
crawly mcCrawlerson - 2005-01-31
riding for the disease what can kill people - 2005-01-21

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